SPC 1603H Honors Fundamentals of Technical Presentations
University of Central Florida
UCF Nicholson School of Communication and Media
16 weeks

About the Course
SPC 1603H COS-NSCM 3(3,0)Honors Fundamentals of Technical Presentation: PR: Permission of Honors. Communication theory and its application to preparing and delivering technical information in public speaking situations. With honors-level content. Occasional.
Learning Objectives
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Comprehend, use, and/or apply information for audiences in rhetorically appropriate ways (e.g., sources, ideas, disciplinary content).
Communicate in rhetorically and stylistically appropriate ways for a range of audiences, purposes, forums, and occasions.
Conduct and present research in rhetorically appropriate ways.
Employ communication principles, techniques, or concepts to identify, explain, or address challenges facing society.

Course Dates
August 19- December 9
Semester, Year, Course Sections
Fall 2024