SLS 1301 Life and Career Development
Santa Fe College
Student Development and Leadership
16 weeks

About the Course
This course is designed to facilitate the career decision-making process and equip students with the necessary job search skills in the 21st century. Students will engage in discussions, activities and take assessments that explore their personalities, interests, abilities and values in order to develop their self-awareness and make informed career decisions. Additionally, students will develop skills in job-seeking techniques, resume writing, interviewing and networking. Opportunity will be provided for students to explore career resources, diversity in the workforce, ethical concerns, and company culture.
Learning Objectives
Are you uncertain about how you would like to live out your life and career? Do you get a sinking feeling in your stomach whenever someone asks you about your college major and/or career goals? If so, this course may be for you.
The Life/Career Development course is designed to help students like you find their own answers to these difficult questions.
As a student in this course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Learn more about yourself by exploring your personality, life/occupational values, and life/occupational skills;
- Investigate career options that compliment your personality, values, skills, and needs;
- Learn about the ever-changing world of work and the ways in which work may impact your personal life
- Develop career decision-making skills that can be applied across the lifespan; and refine job search skills, such as resume development and interviewing techniques.

Course Dates
November 2014- November 2017
Semester, Year, Course Sections
Fall 2014- Fall 2017, (10 sections)