Advanced Debate
UCF Global
University of Central Florida
UCF Global Intensive English Program
8 weeks
About the Course
The goal of Advanced Debate is to assist the student in the development of general
English communications skills, with a particular focus on discussions and debates. Such skills
include the ability to listen and synthesize information and the ability to produce a coherent
response or deliver a speech with a built argumentation.
By the end of Advanced Debate, students will be able to:
- function in high level listening and speaking skills settings in relation to academic discussions and
- practice academic discussion, and use presentation skills at a higher level of
Learning Objectives
1. Develop speaking ability in social and academic contexts while expanding a related vocabulary
1.1 Effectively participate in social conversations.
1.2 Effectively develop oral presentation skills in English.
1.3 Effectively use present continuous in conversations.
1.4 Effectively use simple past in conversations.
1.5 Effectively participate in classroom group discussions.
1.6 Clarify and ask for clarification in classroom speaking tasks using targeted expressions.
1.7 Ask for and give advice, make suggestions and make complaints in classroom speaking tasks
using targeted expressions.
1.8 Listen for and correctly identify examples, reasons, opinions, frequency, and sequence in
lower-intermediate level listening passages.
1.9 Recognize and correctly identify/write key words from a lower-intermediate level listening
passage in guided tasks.
1.10 Describe events that happened in the past.
2. Develop students’ listening abilities in order for them to identify key ideas in spoken conversations:
2.1 Listen for and correctly identify main ideas and details in lower-intermediate level listening
2.2 Listen for and summarize information from lower-intermediate level listening conversation.
2.3 Demonstrate a basic understanding of –ed pronunciation.
Course Dates
August 2023- Present
Semester, Year, Course Sections
Fall 2023- Present