Advanced Academic Writing
University of Central Florida
UCF Global Intensive English Program
8 weeks

About the Course
The goals of Writing are for students to learn to plan and execute grammatically correct, rhetorical researched essay patterns and to develop strategies that enable them to effectively extract information from academic and other sources and to effectively and accurately communicate information in writing without plagiarism.
Learning Objectives
By the end of Writing Level 8, students will be able to:
--Write short researched essays.
--Effectively use academically-sound search engines to gather information.
--Differentiate between primary and secondary sources in their writing research.
--Correctly use APA or MLA format, including citations, in their writing.
1. Effectively incorporate key components into students’ writing:
1.1. Use clear central and supporting ideas.
1.2. Demonstrate adequate development.
1.3. Demonstrate logical organization.
1.4. Write coherently.
1.5. Use outside sources.
1.6. Use grammar and mechanics accurately.
2. Obtain proficiency in rhetorical essay patterns:
2.1. Produce compare and contrast essays.
2.2. Produce cause and effect essays.
2.3. Produce classification essays
2.4. Produce timed-writing samples (modeled after TOEFL iBT).
3. Utilize various writing techniques in research writing:
3.1. Paraphrase.
3.2. Summarize.
3.3. Synthesize.
4. Develop an understanding of how to search for and cite academic articles for research writing:
4.1. Use search engines.
4.2. Understand and use primary versus secondary sources.
4.3. Format papers according to APA/MLA conventions.

Course Dates
October 2023 – Present
Semester, Year, Course Sections
Fall 2023- Present