Academic Reading
UCF Global
University of Central Florida
UCF Global Intensive English Program
8 weeks

About the Course
The goals of Reading are for students to continue analyzing and organizing reading material for study and evaluation, to improve their growing critical reading skills, and to continue applying necessary reading strategies to efficiently and effectively obtain meaning from more advanced academic texts.
Learning Objectives
By the end of Reading, students will be able to:
--Effectively and efficiently understand inferences
-- Distinguish facts from opinions
-- Identify chronological sequences and coherence devices
Reading Level 10 Teaching Objectives:
1. Facilitate students’ implementation of reading skills:
1.1 Distinguish facts from opinions
1.2 Recognize cause and effect relationships
1.3 Recognize the main idea.
1.4 Recognize supporting details.
1.5 Recognize referents.
1.6 Identify inferences.
1.7 Draw conclusions.
1.8 Recognize omitted information.
1.9 Identify rhetorical purposes.
2. Facilitate students’ ability to interpret, evaluate, and discuss what was read:
2.1 Paraphrase complex sentences and ideas.
2.2 Inferring an author’s attitude
2.3 Understanding chronological sequence
2.4 Creating mental maps of texts to organize material and understand texts more deeply.
2.5 Understand references to things outside of a text.
2.6 Analyze and synthesize information different sources.
2.7 Applying information from a text to answer inference-based questions
3. Familiarize students with basic vocabulary knowledge relevant to academic literature:
3.1 Use context clues.
3.2 Improve knowledge of word roots and affixes.

Course Dates
October 2023 – Present
Semester, Year, Course Sections
Fall 2023- Present