IDS 6513 Preparing Tomorrow's Faculty
University of Central Florida
College of Graduate Studies
16 weeks

About the Course
Do you have a passion for life-long learning and engaging deep ideas with other curious learners and scholars? Do you enjoy participating in professional and personal development with other adults? Do you envision a teaching career in higher education? The Preparing Tomorrow’s Faculty Program at UCF provides an introduction to post-secondary teaching in North America. The content of this program will be relevant to all levels of teaching, but its focus is primarily the teaching of the undergraduate core curriculum and general education. This is a zero-credit course. If you registered through myUCF, the course will appear on your transcript. Participants will design significant portions of a college-level class as part of their experience, and they will create a first draft of the core documents in a teaching portfolio, an essential tool for future interviews and promotions. By completing the program, graduate students and postdocs can expect to gain an introductory perspective on the skills required for success as a faculty member in higher education.
Learning Objectives
Students will increase their knowledge of communication theories and ethical behaviors as they apply to professional contexts Communicate in rhetorically and stylistically appropriate ways for a range of audiences, purposes, forums, and occasions.

Course Dates
October 2021- Present
Semester, Year, Course Sections
Fall 2021- Spring 2022 (2 sections)